
let’s talk


Since EōS Fitness was founded, the company has grown aggressively and currently operates in Texas, Arizona, Florida, Nevada, Southern California and Utah, with plans for further expansion.


CTR increase across Meta with a 21% lower acquisition cost-per-member


With the fitness industry emphasis on low price – high value, EōS wanted to differentiate itself by connecting emotionally with members via a brand first message focused on inclusion and achievement.


Our research revealed current EōS members are primarily achievers – people who approach every day with positivity and a commitment to “getting it done.”  They believe they can challenge themselves more at EōS and feel better mentally and physically as a result.


As high achievers come in all shapes and sizes, we developed a campaign around the theme of willpower, represented by a charming character with whom every high achiever can identify. Meet Will, a friendly little fella with the power to get the workout done. No matter what.